
Cambam default tool diameter and feedrate
Cambam default tool diameter and feedrate

Had to delete the line for it to work, however GCode senders like Chilipeppr will just ignore the line anyway with no adverse affects. Retract Z at rapids speed (G0) to the clearance plane specified by $cĬambam will then repeat the entire macro script for the next drill hole.ĮDIT: It appears CamBam still inserts a G80 at the end of the drill cycle, regardless of the fact that I'm using a custom macro. Currently my macro does not support peck drilling, however with some messing around you can probably work it out yourself ) This is the Z depth and feedrate specified. The R6.0 feature shall be machined using 1,J,K registers method. When a tool is selected for an operation, spindle speed (N) and machining feedrate (Vf) are computed using the following formula: N (in rev/mn) Vc / (D PI) where: D tool diameter for milling/drilling in mm Vc cutting speed of the tool or insert. Tool move to workpiece zero Profile cutting according to dr The R0.7 and R1.0 features shall be machined using the R-method. We are feeding (G01) in only the Z direction to depth $Z, at feedrate $f. Rapid move tool to 3 mm to the right of end face Tool nose radius compensation at 0.08 mm/rev feedrate. Note: the Feedrate per tooth cannot be edited directly in the Feeds & Speeds. If you modify the global Feedrate, the Feedrate per tooth is updated according to the Formula: feedrate per tooth global feedrate/number of teeth. So the first lineīasically means "Go to the XY coords at rapids speed (G0)" spindle speed cutting speed1000/(Pitool diameter) The Feedrate attribute represents the global feedrate of the tool. You will see this box turn blue and display 'Probe is Currently Active'. You can functionally test your touch plate by touching the magnet to the touch plate. Probe is Currently Inactive: This will tell you if your touch plate probe is currently active or inactive. If the tool profile is Unspecified, the profile from the tool information stored in the tool library for the given tool. Tool Diameter: Enter your tool diameter and select the correct units (inches or mm). If no tool library is defined the Default-(units) tool library is assumed. However, the developer included the option to use a custom macro.Ĭambam replaces $X and $Y with the X and Y coords of the current drill hole ($X and $Y are internal variables that cambam uses to determine the coords for the drill holes). The tool library is specified in the containing Part, or if this is not present in the Machining folder level. Or use a CAM program that does this for you.ĬamBam does not outright have an option for this, you can choose from Canned Cycle, Spiral, but not a G0/G01 plunge.

#Cambam default tool diameter and feedrate code#

Literally the only way to plunge drill a hole with your GRBL controlled Shapeoko is to use a post processor or otherwise hand code the drill code so that it G0 rapids to the XY location for the hole, and then G01 feeds in Z at a chosen feedrate, then retract, and G0 rapid to the next hole. In case you don't know, GRBL does not currently support G81 canned drill cycles.

Cambam default tool diameter and feedrate